Maintaining A Work/Life Balance When Operating A Cleaning Business

how to start a profitable house cleaning business

Posted / 26th June 2019

When you work unsociable hours, you may find it can take its toll on you in many ways, particularly if you are self-employed. Your personal life can be affected, as could your health when you try to fit everything in and be everything to everyone in your business and beyond!


Prioritise your time

As most business owners you may rely on a list of things to do each week. Prioritising these in to categories of urgency and importance can take the pressure off. Start with your urgent things to do ticking them off the list one by one until you reach the end.


Employ part time staff

There comes a time when you will recognise that you need help to assess these situations. Do the math and work out if you can afford to hire someone part time to help relieve the stress. This person could take care of the less critical tasks which would free up your time for the urgent tasks you need to carry out. Learn how to recruit the right people for your business.


Set work hours & stick to them

It will be tough, but set yourself work hours for example 9am-5pm and try your best to stick to them! When your work life runs into your personal time it’s a recipe for disaster.


Set yourself some personal time

Setting time aside for yourself is so important. Whether it’s ‘me time’ or some time with family & friends, taking time out is important for your mental health. If you are suffering due to your work load you may not have a business to worry over down the line.



Tap into technology

There are a range of different apps to help manage work these days. For instance, if you have a meeting try using Skype or Zoom for a video call instead of travelling unnecessarily. See the benefits of technology for your cleaning business.



Be realistic

Set goals that you know are realistic & achievable. There is no point driving yourself crazy over something that is impossible to achieve.



Have a proper work space

Treat yourself to that great big office chair & desk. You will find you will get through your tasks more quickly if you are in a bright, spacious, organised area.



Take a break!

Plan in advance to take a break from it all! A long weekend away would give you a little bit of freedom from the workplace.


Hire a business coach

You will have developed bad habit in the time you have been running your business, so hiring a business coach will help with that. They will help you set your goals and motivate you into achieving them.



Look after yourself

Keep your health in check – mentally & physically. Exercise is important for the body & the mind and it’s a great stress reliever. If you feel anxious because of work pick up a business book or try some meditation. Easing those stresses every few days leaves you feeling refreshed & ready to take on the world.